List of speakers

Abalot Emile Jules  Sociologie de l’énergie : nécessité d’une discipline au service de l’écologie de l’énergie
Ahamada Nadjma  Repenser le lien entre les ménages et leurs consommations d’énergies grâce aux nouvelles technologies « Smart » : quels outils pour quelles formes d’acceptabilité sociale ?
Angot Sylvère For a sociology of local political and administrative governance of energy and climate issues.
Assegond Christèle  Recherche collaborative Université/industrie : simple addition ou véritable co-construction de points de vues?
Assegond Christèle The MDE to the everyday… : a sociological approach to understand the relation between technical dimension and human dimension.
Aune Margrethe Making sense of the deregulated electricity market in Norway – economics meets user practices

François The Models of Europeanisation and the issue of energy between the EU, it’s members, and neighbours.
Baggioni Vincent Energy production and local coalitions of elites: explaining what the territory does to solar PV production.
Banks Laura Reducing household energy use : the challenge of the human factor
Barlet Eric  Thermal imaging as a tool to reduce energy consumption in households and raise public awareness.
Barthe Jean-François Acceptability and social appropriation of energy flexibility by customers.
Baud Anne-Cécile  Recherche collaborative Université/industrie : simple addition ou véritable co-construction de points de vues?
Beillan Véronique  Energy consumption in relation to people’s practices and understanding of use
Bertoldo R.  Is being smart enough?  A cross-cultural analysis of the case of electricity ‘smart meters’.
Beslay Christophe Acceptability and social appropriation of energy flexibility by customers.
Blanchard Odile Sustainable urban districts in Europe: towards a typology of their energy systems ?
Bleicher Alena Nonknowledge as an approach to a Sociology of Energy
Bogotto Gaël  Energy efficiency improvement in building, a local pilot to improve taking action.
Bonte Mathieu  Without any occupant, buildings don't use energy!
Boso A.  Is being smart enough?  A cross-cultural analysis of the case of electricity ‘smart meters’.
Bouhdiba Sofiane  Biofuel in the north, famine in the south : a paradox of sustainable development ?
Bouillet Jérémy  Politisation of energy questions and discursive practises: discussing online of the French presidential elections
Bouillon Florence  La précarité énergétique : une enquête ethnographique
Bourdier Laure  Basse-Normandie territorial collectivities’ mobilization for offshore wind power.
Brisepierre Gaëtan  How to decide a thermal renovation in co-ownership? New organizational, conditions for innovation
Brisepierre Gaëtan  Households do they choose their heating temperature? Of the order of 19 ° C the system of thermal action
Brugidou Mathieu  Politisation of energy questions and discursive practises: discussing online of the French presidential elections
Buhler Thomas  Individual forms of resistances to injunctions to transportation mode change in metropolitan Lyon. Habits in action.
Cacciari Joseph
 What policy of “energy transition” for an ex-coal town: Between imperative and opportunism.
Cicoppe Christian  
Corbin Stéphane  Energy Transition and Agriculture. Farmers installed on the territory of the RNP Normandy-Maine.
Cordellier Maxime  Energy Transition and Agriculture. Farmers installed on the territory of the RNP Normandy-Maine.
Correia Augusta  Interdisciplinarity and energy efficiency: technical difficulties, social benefits
Coulbaut-Lazzarini Amélie  Stakeholders behaviour in smart grids projects: sociology serving a study held in an industrial chair
Couturier Christian  La démarche négaWatt : changer de paradigme socio-technique pour engager la transition énergétique
De Cheveigné Suzanne  La précarité énergétique : une enquête ethnographique
Debourdeau Ariane  Configuration, assemblage, agencement as candidate descriptors for a sociology of energy.
Deléage Estelle  Energy Transition and Agriculture. Farmers installed on the territory of the RNP Normandy-Maine.
Delanoë Alexandre  Demande-side management in residential environment. Toward a socio-technical user-centered approach.
Denjean Mathias  Presentation on the PHEBUS survey: national, brand-new, quality data for sociology of energy.
Deuschle Jürgen  Using focus groups to explore social drivers of rebound effects
Devalière Isolde  Fuel poverty, socio-technical issue under identification
Dobigny Laure  The central role of farmers in renewable energy projects : Contributions to a Socio-anthropology of renewable energies.
Douzou Sylvie  Energy consumption in relation to people’s practices and understanding of use
Draetta Laura  Demande-side management in residential environment. Toward a socio-technical user-centered approach.
Dujin Anne  Devices for energy efficiency in the service-sector companies. Place of automation and occupants in the innovation process.
Duque Gomez Catalina  Electricity access and use in Nairobi: between a diversity of experiences and tensions on the network.
 What if we definitely commit to eco-citizen behavior?
Espluga-Trenc J.  Is being smart enough?  A cross-cultural analysis of the case of electricity ‘smart meters’.
Farhat Sana  The sociological expertise and the promotion of sensitization compains against energy wastage in the Tunisian society
Flamand Amélie  Energy consumption in relation to people’s practices and understanding of use
Fonseca Susana  Interdisciplinarity and energy efficiency: technical difficulties, social benefits
Fouquet Jean-Philippe  Recherche collaborative Université/industrie : simple addition ou véritable co-construction de points de vues?
Fouquet Jean-Philippe The MDE to the everyday… : a sociological approach to understand the relation between technical dimension and human dimension.
Fournier Pierre  What policy of “energy transition” for an ex-coal town: Between imperative and opportunism.
Fuchs Gerhard  Transformative governance in energy infrastructures : a challenge for a sociology of energy
Gabillet Pauline For a sociology of local political and administrative governance of energy and climate issues.
Godbolt Asne Lund Making sense of the deregulated electricity market in Norway – economics meets user practices
Gournet Romain Acceptability and social appropriation of energy flexibility by customers.
Gournet Romain  Hydrogen energy : social integration of a new energy sector ?
Grano Bruno  
Gross Mattias Nonknowledge as an approach to a Sociology of Energy
Guy Simon  
Guyet Rachel  Green jobs: a change in paradigm of the regional public action? 
Hamon Viviane  Energy efficiency improvement in building, a local pilot to improve taking action.
Horta Ana  Interdisciplinarity and energy efficiency: technical difficulties, social benefits
Jaglin Sylvy  Energy transition to the test of energy uses: the case of low middle income households in Cape Town (South Africa)
Jouffe Yves  Fuel Poverty to the Test of Daily Mobility
Kunze Conrad  Citizen Participation and transformation of the energy regime.
Labussière Olivier  Geography of energy : milieu, access, actuality
Lartigue Bérangère  Without any occupant, buildings don't use energy!
Le Garrec Sylvaine  Leaders of thermal renovation projects in condominiums. An example of energy transition spokespersons” ?
Lees Johanna  La précarité énergétique : une enquête ethnographique
Levidow Les  UK Biofuel Innovation: Sustainability transition or infrastructural lock-in?
Licoppe Christian  Demande-side management in residential environment. Toward a socio-technical user-centered approach.
Louvet Laurie  Observing inhabiting modes in sustainable areas: methodology, concepts and tools.
Marchal Fabrice  Intentions fate: studying a council housing energy consumption renovation program.
Maresca Bruno  Devices for energy efficiency in the service-sector companies. Place of automation and occupants in the innovation process.
Mays C.  Is being smart enough?  A cross-cultural analysis of the case of electricity ‘smart meters’.
Meissonnier Joël  Comment les facteurs énergétiques impactent-ils les arbitrages résidentiels ? L'intérêt d'une approche peu directive.
Ménanteau Philippe Sustainable urban districts in Europe: towards a typology of their energy systems ?
Mensanh Christelle  Sociologie de l’énergie : nécessité d’une discipline au service de l’écologie de l’énergie
Minoustchin Maud Acceptability and social appropriation of energy flexibility by customers.
Moine Michèle  Politisation of energy questions and discursive practises: discussing online of the French presidential elections
Mougel Philippe-Patrice  Changing behavior of energy consumption: self-organization & support.
Moulinié Perrine  Changing behavior of energy consumption: self-organization & support.
Mouri Hassan  Development of renewable energieTunisia, economic and social challenge
Moussaoui Isabelle  Devices for energy efficiency in the service-sector companies. Place of automation and occupants in the innovation process.
Moussaoui Isabelle  Community Energy and Social Innovation. The Case of Le Mené
Mulnet Didier  Place de la thématique énergie en éducation au développement durable.
Musso Sandrine  La précarité énergétique : une enquête ethnographique
Nadaï Alain  Configuration, assemblage, agencement as candidate descriptors for a sociology of energy.
Némoz Sophie  What are the positioning stakes of sociology beyond the social acceptability of energy saving policies? Lessons learnt from a multi-level approach to the rebound effects.
Neuwels Julie  The instruments of public policy-making as a reveal of the mobilizations and resistances about the energy politic of buildings in Brussels.
Nouwadjro Coffi Fiacre  Sociologie de l’énergie : nécessité d’une discipline au service de l’écologie de l’énergie
Oltra C.  Is being smart enough?  A cross-cultural analysis of the case of electricity ‘smart meters’.
Theo  UK Biofuel Innovation: Sustainability transition or infrastructural lock-in?
Parat-Bezard Pascale  Thermal imaging as a tool to reduce energy consumption in households and raise public awareness.
Paul Charlotte  When self-employed waterway run ": practices and collective representation related to the issue of fuel in the transport by inland waterway.
Pecaud Dominique  Ideologies and technical know-how : How to articulate technical solutions and social practices with regard to the consumption of energy when a social housing is renovating : a socio-anthropological point of view.
Pellegrino Margot  A passage to India. For a sociology of energy in architecture and urban planning.
Perrotti Daniela  Sociology of energy and search for new representations of the urban nature. Which tools for its designers (landscape architects)? 
Picard Fabienne  Experts’ representations divergences and agreements in fuel cells diffusion process Summary.
Pigeon Jonas  Forecast Carbon Capture and Storage technologies’ implementation on the Seine Waterway Axis: sketch from a technological system definition.
Pilo Francesca  The regularisation of energy supply in pacified favelas of Rio de Janeiro: a tool for constructing a « responsible consumer »?
Pouget Mathilde  Social acceptability criteria for energy renovation in condominium: case study of energy improvement works in Parisians courtyards
Poumarède M.  Is being smart enough?  A cross-cultural analysis of the case of electricity ‘smart meters’.
Prades A.  Is being smart enough?  A cross-cultural analysis of the case of electricity ‘smart meters’.
Raymond Roland  Mouvement sociologique de la relation à l’énergie.
Rey Bénédicte  Experts’ representations divergences and agreements in fuel cells diffusion process Summary.
Roche Mathias  Sociotechnical expert in Energy, a profession and methods in need of structure
Roudil Nadine  Energy consumption in relation to people’s practices and understanding of use
Rudy Amand  Energy Transition and Agriculture. Farmers installed on the territory of the RNP Normandy-Maine.
Rumpala Yannick  Alternative forms of energy production and political reconfigurations. The sociology of alternative energy as study of the potentialities to reorganize the collective
Sahbani Abdessatar  The sociological expertise and the promotion of sensitization compains against energy wastage in the Tunisian society
Savanne Denis  Energy efficiency improvement in building, a local pilot to improve taking action.
Schmidt Luisa  Interdisciplinarity and energy efficiency: technical difficulties, social benefits
Schneider N.  Is being smart enough?  A cross-cultural analysis of the case of electricity ‘smart meters’.
Scotto d'Apollonia Lionel  What can the sociology of controversies bring to the sociology of energy ? Proposal for a non-reductive analytical framework through the example of the climate controversy
Semal Luc  Energy sobriety: local practices and institutional perspectives.
Sene Abdoulaye  La question de l’énergie renouvelable et la redynamisation de l’économie rurale dans la relance du développement économique et social au Sénégal.
Sonnberger Marco  Using focus groups to explore social drivers of rebound effects
Sorensen Knut Holtan Making sense of the deregulated electricity market in Norway – economics meets user practices
Subrémon Hélène  Energy transition to the test of energy uses: the case of low middle income households in Cape Town (South Africa)
Szuba Mathilde  Tradable Energy Quotas: a public policy project to bring energy depletion into political existence.
Szuba Mathilde  Community Energy and Social Innovation. The Case of Le Mené
Tefe Tagne Robert  La socioéconomie d’un projet gazier en milieu urbain.
Thellier Françoise  Without any occupant, buildings don't use energy!
Traore Boubou  Social acceptability criteria for energy renovation in condominium: case study of energy improvement works in Parisians courtyards
Villalba Bruno  Energy sobriety: local practices and institutional perspectives.
Waciega Kamila The Models of Europeanisation and the issue of energy between the EU, it’s members, and neighbours.
Wallenborn Grégoire  Smart meters and household energy conservation
Weber Bernd The Models of Europeanisation and the issue of energy between the EU, it’s members, and neighbours.
Yalcin Melike  Community Energy and Social Innovation. The Case of Le Mené
Zaafouri Omar  Electrification of Shallow Wells in Sidi Bouzid: A solution to the failure of the Rural development program?
Zélem Marie-Christine  The energy autonomy of the isolated and island territories, a technological delusion. The case of Guyana and La Réunion
Zimmerman Kenneth R.  Arrangements of energy.
Zoonnekindt Kathleen  Repenser le lien entre les ménages et leurs consommations d’énergies grâce aux nouvelles technologies « Smart » : quels outils pour quelles formes d’acceptabilité sociale ?
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